Hero Tale Cheat Codes

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Hero Tale Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Hero Tale Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Hero Tale Cheat Codes

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Hero Tale

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Defeat Prince:
-= Weapons=-
* Compound Bow (Inventor’s Shop) + Cool Bolts (Ezra’s Convoy)

Inventor’s Goggles (Inventor’s Shop) + the rest of the Carapean Set
(Deamon Market)

-=Multiple Different Strategies=-
1.Before you enter the Main Hall to engage with Prince, already have
Thunder, Poison and Power Blast on auto cast, while Prince is casting
his first spell cast/buff use your Ice Shard Spell.
2.Already have Poison and Power Blast on auto cast, once Prince has
finished casting his first spell/buff use your Thunder Bolt spell,
as soon as you see his second spell cast/buff use your Ice Shard Spell.
3.Already have your Poison and Power Blast and Ice Shard on auto cast,
do nothing during Prince’s first spell cast/buff, then after Prince’s
second spell cast/buff use your Thunder Bolt spell.

View: 1691 times
Updated: 2024.07.21

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