Goblin Stone Cheat Codes

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Goblin Stone Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Goblin Stone Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Goblin Stone Cheat Codes

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Goblin Stone

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Get New Traits? How to Increase Base Stats?:
You get higher base stats by breeding gobbos with high stats in different
areas and getting a little lucky there. You also naturally find better
gobbos to recruit as you progress through the game trapped in cages that
you rescue which you can then breed to pass down their good traits

Goblins can have recessive genes of traits so experiementing with different
combination of “parent” for breeding can help you get a new trait.

Also as you progress through the game you’ll find more goblins with traits
you haven’t found yet and then breed them to pass to others etc. Basically
it all comes down to progressing in game and breeding.

There’s also cursed shrines that give permanent power bonuses but have a
chance to “corrupt” a goblin which makes them leave you forever effectively
killing them.

View: 665 times
Updated: 2024.03.18

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