Company of Heroes: Eastern Front Cheat Codes

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Company of Heroes: Eastern Front Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Company of Heroes: Eastern Front Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

First thing you need to set the game up so you can use console. Go to the game.
Right click on the game select game properties. Click on launch options. Type
this exactly as i do -dev and then hit enter. And thats it now when you start
a match thats not online hit ctrl shift and ` you can also use ctrl-shift
and ` or ¬ and for some ctrl-shift and ‘ or @

Code Effect
setsimrate(x) - Sets the game speed, where X represents a number
(i.e. setsimrate (3)) and the default speed is 10.
taskbar_hide - Hides the Taskbar
taskbar_show - Shows the Taskbar
ee_bigheadmode(1/0) - Toggles the Big Head mode on (1) or off (0) if you
want your infantry or units to look ridiculous.
restart - Restarts the game
abort - Aborts the game
statgraph() - Enables the “statgraph_channel” codes
statgraph_channel(“fps”) - Displays how many frames-per-second your game is
running at, useful if you need to optimize your
Message_Hide - Hides all incoming messages
Message_Show - Shows all incoming messages
Take good screen shots - taskbar_hide
To make taskbar appear - taskbar_show
Reveal the map - FOW_RevealAll
Change resources - Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Fuel, 9999)
Change resources - Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Manpower, 9999)
Change resources - Player_SetResource(Game_GetLocalPlayer(),RT_Munition, 9999)

View: 1817 times
Updated: 2021.06.11

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