Dordogne Cheat Codes

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Dordogne Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Dordogne Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Dordogne Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Enable Chapter Selection:
Written by SteVieh445

How to play from any point you like.

Well… There isn’t such a thing in the game. But… There is a
workaround for this. It just needs some extra steps. If you’re
going to do this you can start over again at any point you like.

This might come in handy especially if you are going for all
collectables and for the mini games achievements.

So how to create yourself a checkpoint?

* Create a new folder on your PC somewhere
* Open a second Win explorer window and type
* Copy the file with the name "DordogneSavedData.uma" and safe
it in the new created folder

If you want to repeat the gameplay from any checkpoint that
you’ve created yourself:

* Close the game
* Replace the save file in the
%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Umanimation\Dordogne folder
with a safe file from your collection
* Open the game and start playing from your checkpoint

I would recommend to create a checkpoint every time you reach a
new chapter in the game – as adult Mimi as well as young Mimi.

Please keep in mind that if you’re playing again from a specific
point in the game / chapter the progress you’ve made after you’ve
created the checkpoint will be lost.

Every collectable you’ve found after you’ve created the checkpoint
won’t be there anymore and you have to pick everything up again
to be able to get all achievements.

View: 715 times
Updated: 2023.07.15

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