A Story of a Band Cheat Codes

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A Story of a Band Cheat Codes
Name of the file: A Story of a Band Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

A Story of a Band Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Beginner’s Tips:
Written by andrzej.visentini

-=First Things First=-
Every time you unlock an Achievement, you get a permanent Perk
point to be used at the start of a new game.

Perks provide bonuses to various actions your band can do, such as
writng songs, playing gigs, recording/publishing albums.

Which means that THE most difficult playthrough will always be THE VERY
FIRST time you play the game, so don’t despair – it gets easier, for real.

-=The Rest=-
* Play at least one concert tour per year. If a band member complains about
no concerts, the Mood will drop.

* When you start a career, your band will suck due to low stats, so try doing
two tours the first year, each time only selecting three cities from each
preferred music type (Emotion/Aggressive/Technical).

* During first year DON’T tour the cities where they like Your genre of music –
the requirements are higher for succesful tour and your band might not make it.

* If any of members’ starting attributes are below 10, train them immediately.

* Spend money wisely on training – I recommend raising all traits by 5 after
every album.

* When recording a live album, DON’T do encores – the amount of notes to overdub
later in the studio will be insanely high and you WON’T reach 100 % of recording,
thus the review score WILL be low, impacting the band happiness. For live albums,
the completion percentage does NOT affect the sales, so don’t bother.

* In Flames is an awesome power, but it raises Ego (which appears once you use
Dev Points to lvl your band members) – train Songwriting attribute in members,
spend Perk points for Lyrics/Melody/Rhythm instead.

* When picking a starting genre, you indirectly pick which direction your
Reputation should go; don’t try to swing it up & down, stick to one direction,
you’ll need it to defeat one of the bands.

* Not every acheivement can be obtained during one playthrough – it’s OK to
“plan a career”. Slow and steady clears 50 achevements.

* Don’t forget the power of ROCK, especially for controlling Ego levels.

* Double length album should only be attempted if you have “Study & Practice”
guideline enabled and preferably when you have access to Child In Time powerup.
Having all band members’ attributes raised to 100 also helps.

View: 1725 times
Updated: 2022.09.19

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