The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope Cheat Codes

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The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope Cheat Codes
Name of the file: The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

All Hidden Picture Locations:

The Deadly Omen is a postcard picture of a black cat. It can be found when you
are playing as Taylor in the No Escape chapter, and have to open the gate for both
Daniel and Angela. When you get to control as Taylor and have to follow the group
on the road ahead, turn left towards the open fence and the picture will be on
the back of the truck.

This picture can be found in the Playing Tricks Chapter right after you exit The
Black Cat Bar. When you come out of the bar, you will be playing as Andrew exiting
the bar. Instead of going on the road ahead, turn left from the entrance of the
bar, towards a wooden bench which will have the picture placed on the top.

This picture can be found in the Confrontation chapter of the game, specifically
when you are playing as Angela. When you get control of Angela, you will find
yourself on a road that would be turning right, and a car under a street light
on the left. Behind the car is a house, where you can find an oil drum with the
picture on top of it.

This picture can be found in the Off Track chapter of the game and can be found
in the Little Hope Police Station. You will be looking to get inside the station,
whereafter the cutscene with John talking about a radio inside, you should turn
right after getting control as Andrew. There will be an oil drum close to the
wall of the police station with the picture on it.

This picture can be found in the Another Way chapter of the game when you are
in the children’s playground looking for a way out of Little Hope. There will
be a small exit from the playground marked by the lamp. Head through this path
on the left next to the rocks and then turn right towards a picnic bench.
The picture will be on the wooden table.

This picture can be found in the Another Way chapter where you are playing as
Daniel and head to the Store. When looking for another way inside the store, go
to the stairwell and head into the top floor. Walk the hallway and turn right
inside the door before the hole in the floor.

This picture can be found in The crossing chapter of the game when the whole group
rejoins at the Police Station. After you get control as John and head back on the
road, turn left on a small dirt path towards a house. The picture will be on the
right on a wooden box.

This picture can be found in the Troubled History chapter of the game when you
return to the Museum to look for Taylor. When playing as Daniel you will hear a
noise and have to find Taylor. You need to head out from the door and look to the
left where you can find it on the table. It is pretty hard to miss.

This picture can be found in the Pursued chapter of the game when you are playing
as Taylor. After the Museum when you are out on the road again, a small area with
wooden benches will be to your left. Walk over and pick up the picture from one
of the tables.

This picture is found in the Surrounded chapter when you are in the Church. Instead
of exiting the church, you need to hang around till a flashback. You first have to
go to the top where the bell is and then head down afterward. When talking to John,
you have to stay in the Church by agreeing with him. When you have done that and
have control as Taylor, turn around and go through the door behind you, and turn
left to pick up the picture on the table.

This picture can be found in the Reflections chapter when you are following Andrew.
When you come to a fork on the path, go to the left, behind the wooden information
board where you will find it on the wooden table and bench.

This picture can be found in the Ruined chapter of the game when you are following
Daniel and reach a building in the forest. When you get the task of investigating
the large building, go to one of the lights and you will find the picture on the
small table.

This picture can be found in the Full Circle chapter when you all take shelter in
the house. When you get control of Andrew, walk straight and you will find the
picture placed on a table to the right of the path.

View: 1930 times
Updated: 2021.12.05

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