Ymir Cheat Codes

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Ymir Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Ymir Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

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Barter Guide:
Written by Dundin

As i've had some independant success in breaking down the systems used in YMIR, i have
been asked to write down my understanding of Barter in YMIR. This guide to cover barter
in YMIR at a a detailed level to help people understand the factors that increase your
income as a player and what drains it in the early game.

-=Technology Required
Fair Exchange: The tech that actually gives you barter.
Privileges: This tech isn't needed to activate barter, but the policy it will be your
primary source of income for your leader which you will need to make any form of income.
Leadership: This tech also isn't needed to activate barter, but applies a means of using
your leader's wealth to generate income for your state.
Governace: This technology will allow a policy that will increase your administration
in your cities, which will reduce your waste. Unlike the others on this list, is it not
fully required, but it is still very useful.

-=How You Make Your Money
Establishing the framework for your income

Leader's Privileges draws wealth directly from your cities and provides it to your leader,
so to start you'll want to maximize the value on this policy as you enact it (25%).

Leadership has among it's other effects a value called "leader's contribution percentage."
This is a percent of how much of your leader's wealth that he gives directly to the
government, the higher it is, the more income you will have. Place this percent as high
as you can afford to maintain stability (reasons to lower it will be discussed later).

The game at this stage will also have a rudimentary form of tax that is called
"Voluntary contributions." This is effectively a 20% tax on your population that you
have no control over [yet] but will provide a useful supplement to your income, though
less than it may seem otherwise that i will discuss with Waste.

-=Raising Your Income
You now make most of your income through wealth generated in your territories. Any
action you can perform to have your territories generate more wealth will benefit your
income. This goes from anything between just placing more farms or creating more
industry. I would recommend creating as much industry as your state can support that
will involve your porcos selling goods to one another, as alongside a modest bonus to
your population's intelligence from the population having more goods to buy, the
buildings that produce these goods will generate wealth, raising your income.

-=Reducing Your Involuntary Expenses
Idle buildings which were once useful to have pre-barter to cycle active population
between various jobs are now detrimental instead of useful to you as an inactive
building will now drain your income by 1c each per turn. Unless a building that you
use infrequently is absolutely vital or very expensive to rebuild, I would suggest to
either destroy it or set it to low priority and eject the population from the structure
instead of just deactivating it.

You will also find that you have a penalty to your income called "waste." This is a loss
of tax [voluntary contribution] from inefficient administration. There is little you can
do to reduce this easily, though it is generated from 2 factors, State Power less than
10 (though less than 0 is when it gets significant) and low administration in your cities.
Leadership will make your capital more efficient, which keeps your capital important as
a location to focus your industry in, if possible. If you have Governace, the Local
Authorities policy will be useful in reducing the waste in your cities as well, alongside
other policies that could raise your State Power if it's causing a penalty to your income.

-=Managing Your Voluntary Expenses, and State Owned Resources
If you look at your resource stockpile you will now see a new option. State Resources.
If a resource is listed as a state resource, you buy it as it's produced. This has several
uses, one of which being that many industries suffer a penalty to production if they don't
have someone immediately buying the goods they produce as they produce it. Industry that
provide goods bought by your Porcos will not have this problem (pottery, for example) as
your population will buy the goods. What i feel the most important part of state resources
though is that this expendature will bypass any markup from waste in the territory,
providing you a means of acquiring things in advance that later you will appreciate having
been effectively cheaper. Use this on resources that you plan to ship between your cities
or use yourself as a leader (construction and army production).

Another thing to take note of is that you now have to pay an upkeep for your armies and
some buildings. While your economy is still young, you may want to reduce the volume of
troops in your armies or reduce them to Militia to keep them from burning a hole in your
wallet. Many structures will provide an uncomfortable drain on your economy (walls and
forums, for example) Having natural terrain used in the form of your wall will help reduce
the expenses of fortifications if they are necessary, where as the forum will also provide
a resource (which sales will be taxed) and wealth (which will also be taxed) so many
buildings that have an upkeep may happen to actually result in a net profit.

View: 1913 times
Updated: 2021.03.13

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