Kards Cheat Codes

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Kards Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Kards Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips for Beginners:
Written by Tiramisu

Here are some tips that might help you out if your are struggling
as a beginner.

Play the game during busy times, when there are a lot of players: The more
players are currently online the less likely it is that you will meet a good
player ingame who will win against you. Due to my experience this is the case
around 16-20 UTC.

Use your gold cards for crafting new cards, if you are struggling to get good
cards: Unlike normal cards you can always recycle gold cards, which will give
you exactly the amount of points to craft any card of the same rarity.

-=The choice of your card deck will make a huge difference for your success=-
In your card deck builder you can find a statistics how many cards you have for
each price class. Usually most of your deck cards should be in the range of 4-7
credits, but the other price classes are important as well. If you have too many
expensive cards, you will not be able to play a lot of them especially in the
early game. If you have too many cheap cards, chances are high that you will
burn through them until you have no cards in your hand available especially in
the late game.

Do not use too many orders in your deck or else it will increase the risk of
having too many of them in your hand instead of units. Of course there are some
exceptions like e.g. orders that grant you additional units. In your deck builder
to will find a number that tells you how many orders your deck contains.
I recommend using 11-14 orders in total.

Check if you have too many redundant cards in your deck. A very biased deck can
make your strategy become very inflexible.

Learn from the games you have lost and try to get rid of cards that turned out
to be worse than you originally thought. Reorganizing your deck can help you a
lot if you are loosing too often lately.

Do not be impatient, when you loose a few times, because even when you are
loosing you will be able to get many achievements and gold rewards that will
give you a lot of new cards. Only when you are winning less than 1 in 5 games
you should start to worry about your winning rate.

View: 5037 times
Updated: 2021.02.07

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