Name of the file: Castle Story Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
Customize Survival Map: ----------------------- This tutorial works for survival maps. Its extremely easy, as long as you dont edit anything else your game will be fine. Note: Make sure to make a copy to the survival.gamemode.json file before editing anything. -=Steps=- 1.Find your Castle Story folder (Its in the Castle Story local content folder. You will be able to access it if you do: Steam -> Games -> Right click on Castle Story -> Properties -> Browse Local Content.) 2.Go to “Info” folder, then to “Niveaux” folder. 3.Find the folder name with the survival map you want to customize 4.Open “survival.gamemode.json” file with a notepad application. 5.Read below to understand what is what. Below are the things you can change and what they do: (these things should be mostly at the top) Code Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------- roundLength - Time limit for each round, measured in seconds. firstRoundLength - Time limit for first round, measure in seconds. enemeyIncreasePerRound - The increase of number of enemies per wave. BricktronCostIncreasePerSpawn - Increase in cost of blue crystal to spawn a new brickton after each new spawn. wallResistence - How tough your blocks are, affect Brickton as well, try not to set the number too high. energyRefundForBricktronSoul - How much energy you get for each Brickton loss. energyRefundForCorruptronSoul - How much energy you get for each defeated Corruptron. bonusHitPointsForDoors - How tough your door will be. Note: Make sure you dont change the name of the file. Removing “survival” from the “survival.gamemode.json” would change the game mode to sandbox. |
View: 2701 times |
Updated: 2018.01.24 |
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