Castle Story Cheat Codes

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Castle Story Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Castle Story Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Customize Survival Map:
This tutorial works for survival maps. It’s extremely easy, as long
as you don’t edit anything else your game will be fine.

Note: Make sure to make a copy to the survival.gamemode.json file before
editing anything.

1.Find your Castle Story folder (It’s in the Castle Story local content
folder. You will be able to access it if you do:
Steam -> Games -> Right click on Castle Story -> Properties ->
Browse Local Content.)
2.Go to “Info” folder, then to “Niveaux” folder.
3.Find the folder name with the survival map you want to customize
4.Open “survival.gamemode.json” file with a notepad application.
5.Read below to understand what is what.

Below are the things you can change and what they do:
(these things should be mostly at the top)

Code Effect
roundLength - Time limit for each round, measured in seconds.
firstRoundLength - Time limit for first round, measure in seconds.
enemeyIncreasePerRound - The increase of number of enemies per wave.
BricktronCostIncreasePerSpawn - Increase in cost of blue crystal to spawn a new
brickton after each new spawn.
wallResistence - How tough your blocks are, affect Brickton as
well, try not to set the number too high.
energyRefundForBricktronSoul - How much energy you get for each Brickton loss.
energyRefundForCorruptronSoul - How much energy you get for each defeated
bonusHitPointsForDoors - How tough your door will be.

Note: Make sure you don’t change the name of the file.
Removing “survival” from the “survival.gamemode.json” would change the game
mode to sandbox.

View: 2701 times
Updated: 2018.01.24

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