Everspace 2 v0.8.25412 Trainer +17 (Aurora)

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Everspace 2 v0.8.25412 Trainer +17 (Aurora)
Name of the file: Everspace 2 v0.8.25412 Trainer +17 (Aurora) - Author: CHA - [PC]

Everspace 2 v0.8.25412 Trainer +17 (Aurora)

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Cheat Happens Aurora Introduction

Download Aurora Now for Everspace 2 Trainer at Cheat Happens! Already have Aurora? Open this trainer in Aurora and start cheating now!! Would you like to know more about Aurora? Aurora can be use as GUESTS and FREE MEMBERS and new FREE PASS trainers every week!

EVERSPACE 2 by cheathappens.com

Activating this trainer
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.

Trainer Options
# Ship
NumPad1: Unlimited Hull
NumPad2: Unlimited Armor
NumPad3: Unlimited Shields

# Weapons
NumPad4: Unlimited Weapon Energy
NumPad5: Unlimited Missles and Ammo

# Devices
NumPad6: Fast Ship Device Cooldowns

# Consumables
NumPad7: Unlimited Use Consumables

# Systems
NumPad8: Unlimited Boost

# Enemies
NumPad9: Enemies Do Not Attack

# Upgrades
Multiply: Easy Augment Increase Attributes
Add: Easy Perk Upgrades

# Gameplay
Subtract: Game Speed

Editor Options
# Currency

# Progression

# Inventory Item Moved
Item ID Number
Amount Of Item

Unlimited Hull:
Unlimited Armor:
Unlimited Shields:
Toggle on and at most times this will try to give you the max.

Unlimited Weapon Energy:
Toggle on and most weapons can fire continuously.

Unlimited Missles and Ammo:
Toggle on and most items in this category have unlimited.

Fast Ship Device Cooldowns:
Toggle on and the devices that you can use while flying that have cooldowns will be available to use much quicker.

Unlimited Use Consumables:
Toggle on and many items that you can use in the CONSUMABLES slot while flying will not decrease when you use them.

Unlimited Boost:
Toggle on and most boost systems can fire unlimited.

Enemies Do Not Attack:
Toggle on and most enemies are confused and cannot locate you to fire.

Easy Augment Increase Attributes:
Toggle on and while this is on, you can Augment your systems even if you have no Augment points. Works best if toggle on BEFORE you enter the screen where you can upgrade.

Easy Perk Upgrades:
Toggle on and you can likely easily do the Perk Upgrades even if you do not have the items. Works best if toggle on BEFORE you enter the screen where you can upgrade.

This value may not change on screen until you earn real XP. Probably best to give yourself enough XP to be JUST BELOW where you would level up, then earn XP to legitimately level up. Putting high value here will likely not do what you desire.

Item ID Number:
The value fills in when you move and item from one slot to another. You can change this ID to match a known ID number to change the item into something else. Works best with consumables and collectable items. May cause unpredictable results with some items.

Amount Of Item:
The value fills in when you move and item from one slot to another. You can change this value to give you more or less of the item.


Mute Hotkeys:
To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is
activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well.
You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'.

Aurora: https://www.cheathappens.com/trainers.asp




Get more trainers and updates at http://www.cheathappens.com

View: 691 times
Updated: 2022.07.23

Download Aurora Now for Everspace 2 Trainer at Cheat Happens! Already have Aurora? Open this trainer in Aurora and start cheating now!! Would you like to know more about Aurora? Aurora can be use as GUESTS and FREE MEMBERS and new FREE PASS trainers every week!

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