Evil Genius 2 Cheat Codes

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Evil Genius 2 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Evil Genius 2 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How To Put Traps Guide:
Written by By The_Box

As a disclaimer, I have been figuring out most of this through SCIENCE!
Also known as baiting hapless level 1 investigators into a danger room
and then disposing of them with a real danger room to get a fresh wave.

-=Boxing Glove=-
Size: 2×1 (Wall)
Target Area: 2×4
Activation Area: 2×4
Targets: 1
Damage: 10 Vitality
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes, stops their
momentum immediately
Does it move the target: Yes, away from the trap.
How far: 4 squares away from activation area.

-=Bubble Cannon=-
Size: 2×1 (Wall)
Target Area: 2×4
Activation Area: 2×4
Targets: All in activation area
Damage: 30 Resolve
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it move the target: No

-=Giant Fan=-
Size: 4×4 (Floor)
Target Area: 4×10 (First line of squares on fan count)
Activation Area: 4×7 (Doesn’t activate for furthest 2×4 area of target area)
Targets: All who enter activation area while active
Damage: None
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes, but a target being
effected by another fan/magnet/pinball bumper won’t be grabbed until the third
square of movement.
Does it move the target: Yes, away from the trap.
How far: 2 squares past the target area.

-=Freeze Ray=-
Size: 2×1 (Wall)
Target Area: 2×4
Activation Area: 2×4
Targets: All who enter activation area while active
Damage: 20 Resolution and Skill
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it move the target: No

-=Laser Wall=-
Size: 4×4 (Opposing Walls)
Target Area: 4×4
Activation Area: 4×4
Targets: All who enter activation area while active
Damage: 10 Vitality per tick, at least 40. (still figuring out full damage)
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes.
Does it move the target: No

-=Giant Magnet=-
Size: 4×4 (Floor)
Target Area: 10×4 (First line of squares on Magnet count)
Activation Area: 7×4 (Doesn’t activate for furthest 2×4 area of target area)
Targets: All who enter activation area while active
Damage: None
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes, but a target
being effected by another fan/magnet/pinball bumper won’t be grabbed until
the third square of movement.
Does it move the target: Yes, towards the trap.
How far: All the way to the magnet.

-=Poison Darts=-
Size: 1×4 (Opposing walls)
Target Area: 1×4
Activation Area: 1×4
Targets: All who enter activation area while active
Damage: 19 Vitality. I’ve also seen agents lose skill to this one,
still doing additional SCIENCE.
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes, but it
will miss the first target passing through.
Does it move the target: No

-=Slippery Floor=-
Size: 2×2 (Floor)
Target Area: 2×2
Activation Area: 2×2
Targets: All who enter activation area while active
Damage: None
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes, but seems
to miss the first target passing over.
Does it move the target: No

-=Pinball Bumper=-
Size: 2×2 (Floor)
Target Area: Incoming agents being moved by a fan, magnet or other pinball
bumper. Won’t trigger on minions, but will affect minions if already deployed
by an incoming agent.
Activation Area: See above
Targets: All who hit it while active
Damage: None
Does it activate on targets being moved by the fan and magnet:
Pretty much exclusively.
Does it hit targets being moved by the fan and magnet: Yes.
Does it move the target: Yes
How far: 8 squares from impact.

View: 1692 times
Updated: 2021.08.11

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