The Lord of The Rings : Battle For Middle Earth - Game Editor v0.059

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The Lord of The Rings : Battle For Middle Earth - Game Editor v0.059

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Name of the file: The Lord of The Rings : Battle For Middle Earth - Game Editor v0.059 - Author: SOO - [PC]

B4ME Game Editor
Extract the b4mege zip file into any location of your choice, there are five file in here including this readme.
1. b4mege.exe		editor program file
2. b4mege.ini		programs internal ini file
3. backup-donotdelete	file used to restore gamedata.ini
3. example.ini		example ini file using the save option in the b4mege program
4. readmefirst.txt	this readme

If you are using the prog to update game values, the B4ME game can't be running as this will have a lock on the game files.

** BEFORE running the B4ME Game Editor (b4mege.exe) **

Step 1:
Download the ini?s or extract the ini files. Easiest way is to download them here:

Step 2:
Unzip the file you just downloaded.

Step 3:
Take the folder called ini you just unzipped, cut or copy it, and navigate yourself to TBFME game folder on your computer. Default: C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Battle for Middle-earth (tm).

Once there find and open the folder called data. Paste the ini folder you cut or copied into the data folder

Step 4:
In your game directory rename the file 'INI.big' to 'INI.big.bak' 

Step 5:

The B4MEGE program can be run from anywhere, but it does need to know where the game ini files are stored:

Open the b4mege.ini fil.  Change the line that says:
GameIni=I:\Games\The Battle for Middle-earth\data\ini

and change the I:\Games\The Battle for Middle-earth\data\ini to where ever......

...You will find the rest of this information in: readmefirst.txt,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

; FILE: GameData.ini (SYSTEM) /////////////////////////////////////////////////

  ShellMapName = Maps\ShellMap1\
  MapName =
  MoveHintName = SCMoveHint
  ShowProps = Yes
  UseFPSLimit = Yes
  UseHighQualityVideo = Yes
  FramesPerSecondLimit = 30
  DisablePixelShader = No
  ;Windowed = No
  ;XResolution = 800
  ;YResolution = 600
  MaxShellScreens = 8
  UseCloudMap = Yes
  UseLightMap = Yes
  BilinearTerrainTex = Yes
  TrilinearTerrainTex = Yes
  AnisotropicTerrainTex = No
  MultiPassTerrain = Yes
  AdjustCliffTextures = Yes
  StretchTerrain = No
  UseHalfHeightMap = No
  ShowObjectHealth = Yes
  HideGarrisonFlags = No
  Use3WayTerrainBlends = 1
  DrawEntireTerrain = No
  TerrainLOD = DISABLE  ; should be handled by options screen.
  TerrainLODTargetTimeMS = 45
  TextureReductionFactor = 0; 1 is half res, 2 querter res, etc.
  RightMouseAlwaysScrolls = Yes
  UseWaterPlane = Yes
  UseCloudPlane = Yes
  UseShadowVolumes = Yes
  UseShadowDecals = Yes
  ShowSelectedUnitMarker = Yes
  UseSimpleHordeDecals = No
  UseSimpleMergeDecals = Yes
  OpacityOfSimpleMergeDecals = 35%
  UseBehindBuildingMarker = Yes
  DefaultOcclusionDelay = 3000  ; in ms
  OccludedColorLuminanceScale = 0.5
  WaterPositionX = 0.0
  WaterPositionY = 0.0

...You will find the rest of this information in: backup-donotdelete,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file:
Trainers City

Name of the zip file:

File size: 942 915 octets

Downloads: 6799 times
Updated: 2005.01.15

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