Nom du fichier : Kyle is Famous Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. All Commands & Property Tags: ----------------------------- Written By pluberski Here is a full list of all commands and property tags. Full List of All Commands/Property Tags ————————————————————– Commands ————————————————————– {navigate sectionName} Changes the player to be in the section named sectionName {end EndingID Text That Will Show. . .} End the run through your story, setting EndingID in storage, and displaying Text That Will Show. . . {set VarName value} Set a variable to value (e.g. 0, 1, 99) in temporary storage. {store VarName value} Set a variable to value (e.g. 0, 1, 99) in permanent storage. {sound soundID} Plays a sound with soundID (see below for a list of all possible sounds) {item itemID} Gives the player an item and automatically sets a variable that is associated with that item (see below for a full list of items and their variables). {remove item itemID} Removes a single instance of itemID from the players inventory. {guion} Shows all the GUI elements. {guioff} Hides all the GUI elements. {location text} Sets the location text to whatever “text” is. {add varname num} {subtract varname num} {multiply varname num} {divide varname num} Perform math operations on a variable. {addstore varname num} {subtractstore varname num} {multiplystore varname num} {dividestore varname num} Perform math operations on a variable in permanent storage. {varname} Add this inline in normal text to print out the value of a variable. ————————————————————– Property Tags ————————————————————– time=number Sets how much time there is in your story. Use -1 if you want to disable the timer. timerunoutsection=sectioname Sets what section should be navigated to when the timer runs out. title=name Sets the title of your story! previewimage=imagedir Sets the preview image directory when uploaded to the Workshop. T his line is stripped out in the version that the players download. description=desc Sets the description of your story! tags=tag1,tag2 Sets the tags that will be used on Steamworks if uploaded resetgoesto=sectionname Sets which section the “Reset” button should go to in your story. untiltext=text Sets the text reading “Time Until End” at the bottom of the screen to “text.” hourstext=text Sets the text reading “hours” at the bottom of the screen to “text.” ————————————————————– List of Items ————————————————————– phone ballofbugs artifact batteries bugpuppets claymore flashlight lard litflashlight change notes key tehcnojim timetravelbox armor clothes suit pasties gabby food badfood amnesia gossip lizarddemon ghost santa naughtynicelist elfbag santasuit hotdogsalesman hotdogsuit hotdogs pen letters rewrittenletters standparts marketing isdetective detectivesuit puppies tastinghelmet suctionhands magnifyingglass magicwipes hascase detectiveid cds ————————————————————– List of Sounds ————————————————————– flashlight batteries ballofbugs change key timetravelbox notes artifact lard claymore bugpuppets technojim eatingbugs eating1 eating2 pourlard putonclothes putinbatteries rachelbreathing swallow upgradebox unlock slamhead smash smashartifact murmur broadcaststart kylebecamesanta kylecrunchelves kylegetelves gethotdog getpen getletters getcart rewrite dogpant tastinghelmet openbox rumble penstroke1 penstroke2 magicalchuckle buttonpush slamheadcar knocks portal artifactdestroy destroybugcaller bitebottle gettimetravelbox knockmansion bigdoor fryingpan housedestroy slamdesk tearface facesnap tearfacebothhands jamhandgrab downvent dropblade paperstack trip ceilingdestroy swordfight isdetective getoutofbed opencloset slamdoor opendrawer sitatdesk penclick shutdrawer crouchdown getupfromchair uncrouch closecloset footstep openfridge closefridge lookatpantry makefood gooutside footstepconcrete entertechshop grabtechnoshoulder exittechshop reenterhallway gabbyopendoor leavegabbydoor pickthroughcarpet closepantry becomeghost ghostthroughdoor ghostthroughdoor2 combthroughmold leaveharry producenotes endofday lookforhotdogs continuelookingforhotdogs rummageindrawer rummageinroom insertinbox turnonflashlight entermarketingagency leavemarketingagency slabtwistturn fridgehoist startfridgeswallow continueelfsearch searchthroughdrawers silverwareoncookies eatsilverware spitfork shakeattendant putarmsdown putarmsup melt carhorn1 carhorn2 entercityhall exitcityhall throughtunnel enterdetectiveoffice leavedetectiveoffice chairforward chairbackward throughtunnelnavigation enterdolarstore exitdolarstore crumple cd1 cd2 cd3 throughtunnellong talktocivs grabphone bitephone gotojail thinkhotdogs1 thinkhotdogs2 thinkhotdogs3 thinkhotdogs4 thinkhotdogs5 thinkhotdogs6 suckhotdog santamagic fartexplode headspin smashfacewithstuff reindeer elfexplode |
Vue : 942 fois |
Mise à jour : 2022.04.19 |
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