Death Stranding - PS4

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Death Stranding - PS4
Nom du fichier : Death Stranding - PS4 - Auteur : ANO - [PS4]

Secret Otter Hat (Conan O'Brien Easter Egg):
You can find Conan at the Cosplayer facility in the Central Region. Conan will tell you some info and jokes about otters and give you the Otter Hat. It allows you to paddle like an otter in rivers. Complete the following steps to find Conan:

1. Accept Order No. 37 for Sam -- Sewing Kit Delivery: Cosplayer. It can be found after Order 38 at a random terminal in the Central Region. The quest is usually at "South Knot City" or "Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City". If it is not there, check the terminals at other facilities or sleep in the private room. The starting location changes as time progresses.

2. Deliver the cargo to the Cosplayer to find Conan O'Brien. You meet Conan after talking to the Cosplayer. He tells you some jokes about otters and gives you an Otter Hat.

3. You can equip Conan's Otter Hat from the inventory (press Up). While in water, you will have more control and can paddle quicker left and right and even do barrel rolls.

Unlocking Reverse Trike vehicle:
The Reverse Trike vehicle is parked outside the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City, but you cannot use it right away. This area is accessed in Episode 2, and the vehicle requires a power source. Once you acquire the power source, the motorcycle will automatically recharge itself. To get a power source, take the "Power Supply Unit Delivery: Wind Farm" order, which is available at the Distribution Center after completing two other orders. You will need to complete the order to infiltrate the MULE camp, and finish the Chiron Crystal Collection. After completing the quest, you will unlock the ability to fabricate Generator structures with the PCC. To repair the Reverse Trike, drive it into a Distribution Center and park it on the circle where you can access your Private Room. When the vehicle is parked, just take it down into your Private Room to automatically repair it. You can carry a lot more cargo with the Reverse Trike.

Crafting Reverse Trike vehicle:
To unlock the fabrication plan for the hidden Reverse Trike "Ride", collect Memory Chip #31. Then, redeem the Chip at a Terminal to craft the Reverse Trike.

Unlocking fast Ravel:
The ability to fast travel becomes available later in the game. In Episode 3: Fragile, you will unlock it very early —- when you reach the first Distribution Center, you will travel into the Private Room and talk to Fragile. She will explain the situation in the Midwest. She will also add a new item to your Private Room. By focusing on the Umbrella, you can select to travel to any major hub connected to the Chiral Network. You can instantly travel to previous locations to complete quests and increase your Porter ranking. Note: Any items you are currently carrying will be transferred to the specific Distribution Center's Private Locker -- so you cannot take any items with you.

Getting the Covered Backpack upgrade:
Convince an optional Collector Prepper to join the UCA to get the Covered Backpack, which is one of the best upgrades in the game. He is located just south of the Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City, in the Central Region. The Covered Backpack upgrade protects all the gear in your backpack. It makes it so attacks will not knock it loose, MULEs cannot grab it with Sticky Guns, and it is protected from the rain. This only counts for the square of space around the backpack itself. To reach this Prepper, bring a Climbing Anchor and locate the hiding spot in the crevasse on the edge of MULE territory. If you do not have any Lost Cargo to return to him, you will find a bunch at the local MULE camp —- and there is a Standard Order available at the Delivery Terminal. Take on the "Deliver Old Game Console" quest to get in good with the Prepper. The Game Consoles are located in two locations. They can be found in the Postbox in the center of the nearby MULE camp, and at a disguised Postbox outside the camp. You only need to get one to complete this quest, but it is recommended to get all three for maximum benefits. One order will not be enough to get the upgrade item. After the Prepper joins the Bridges network, you will unlock extra quests on the Standard Orders menu. Select "Collection: Large Consignment Of Video Games" or "Recovery: Tactical Action Games Stolen By MULEs" so you can increase the Collector star ranking. You will not be able to get the Prepper to join you until further in the game -- so do not bother trying until past Episode 6. Even if you have reached Episode 6, you will need to wait longer until this Prepper gives you the gear you need.

Easy "Any Porter In A Storm" trophy:
You find NPC Porters randomly throughout the Central Region. They are groups of 2-3 characters walking around (they show up offline as well as online). They are Porters (delivery people) just like Sam and wear a white suit. They most frequently show up in the eastern half (right side) of the Central Region. They are most frequently encountered at the following facilities: Engineer, Craftsman, Elder, Film Director, Junk Dealer. However, you can also find them running around the wilderness. They do not go to the snowy mountain region. Once you randomly encounter the Porters, make sure you give them as many likes as possible with the Touchpad. Then, open your Cargo inventory, equip one of your cargo to a hand, and lay the cargo on the floor in front of them. If they are interested, they will pick it up. Give them a few more items until they offer you one of theirs (they will stretch out a hand to offer it to you). Take their offering to get the "Any Porter In A Storm" trophy.

Easy "God Particle Go-Getter" trophy:
Higg's home is located in the Central Region, inside Peter Englert's facility. This facility is directly west of Lake Knot City. You must have completed Story Episode 9 before the door to Peter Englert's facility opens up. At any point after Episode 9 (still possible after story), you can go inside Peter Englert's facility to get the "God Particle Go-Getter" trophy.

Easy "I Couldn't Hold It In!" trophy:
While in the wilderness, hold Right and press Up to select the "Urinate" function. Then, press L2 to aim and R2 to start peeing. You will instantly get the "I Couldn't Hold It In!" trophy. It even marks the spot with a mushroom that other online players can see. You will not get the trophy if you use the toilet in Sam's private room.

Easy "Pathfinder" trophy:
First, it is recommended to unlock the Non-Lethal Assault Rifle Lv. 1. You get it automatically from Story Episode 4 (Order No. 41). This cannot be missed. Go to a MULE Camp in the Central Region and stun all the enemies. MULE camps are marked on the world map by orange outlines. They contain enemies that try to steal your cargo and hunt you. To get the trophy, you must stun all enemies in a single camp. When done correctly, there will also be a text prompt in the bottom left that says "Porters will temporarily be able to traverse this area." Make sure you really stun every single one of them. Use the scanner to locate the enemies when they are hiding. The camp just south of Lake Knot City is recommended for this. It has very few enemies and no reinforcements driving around on trucks. The reason you should use the Assault Rifle is because it makes knockouts fairly easy. The Bola Gun is not recommended as it only traps soldiers with a rope (does not really "stun" them) and they break free after a few seconds. Alternatively, ramming them with vehicles (truck/trike) works and will instantly stun them. Alternatively, you can use your bare hands to strike them or throw cargo for instant knockouts. Also, if you use the Non-Lethal Assault Rifle, make sure to switch to rubber bullets. Hold Right to open the weapon wheel and press Triangle on the weapon to switch ammo type. Note: You can change the difficulty to "Very Easy" in the game options to take more damage and stun the enemies more quickly.

Easy "Public Service Porter" trophy:
Go to the Junk Dealer facility in the Central Region. There are lots of contaminated cargo pieces next to his facility. Collect one of them, then go to the large tar lake directly south of the Junk Dealer. Equip the contaminated cargo to your right hand (via inventory), hold R2 and Square, but release Square just as Sam is swinging his arm to throw the cargo into the lake and get the "Public Service Porter" trophy.

Easy "Rest In Pieces" trophy:
First, get the Cord Cutter, which is an automatic story unlock (unmissable) in Episode 5 (Order No. 46). Once you get it, go to any BT area and press Square to cut an umbilical cord. Every single BT has an umbilical cord. They become visible when you use the scanner (press R1 while standing still). BTs appear in rainy areas. After recruiting the Weather Station to the UCA (Episode 2), you can press R3 on the world map to see where it is raining. However, you will frequently run into BTs -- so there no need to go out of your way for it.

Easy "Sleep Tight, Little BB" trophy:
The easiest way to make BB cry is to fall over. Just run down a hill and trip over some rocks, so that Sam lands on his chest (where BB is attached). BB's container will start to glow red and you will hear it crying. Hold L1 and press Down + Square to Soothe BB. Slowly move the controller up and down to rock BB up and down. After it stops crying for a few seconds, you will get the "Sleep Tight, Little BB" trophy.

Easy "Soak And Sigh" trophy:
There are seven hot springs scattered throughout the game world, but you only need to find one of them to get this trophy. They get marked on the map when you have been nearby. Walk into a hot spring and press Circle to sit down and get the "Soak And Sigh" trophy. One hot spring bath can be found in the Central Region, southwest of the "Film Director".

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

Greatest of Great Deliverers (Platinum): Obtained all Death Stranding trophies.
Growth of a Legend (Gold): Complete 20 premium deliveries with an evaluation of "Legend of Legends" in all categories.
Best Beloved (Silver): Reach the maximum connection level with all facilities.
A Baby Blessing (Bronze): Get a Like from BB.
A Helping Hand (Bronze): Issue your first supply request.
A Shout in the Dark (Bronze): Send a shout out and have it returned for the first time.
All Roads Lead to the UCA (Bronze): Complete your first road.
Any Porter in a Storm (Bronze): Trade with another porter for the first time.
Apprentice Builder (Bronze): Build your first structure (signs, ladders, and climbing anchors also count.)
Birth of a Legend (Bronze): Complete 10 premium deliveries with an evaluation of "Legend" or "Legend of Legends" in every single category.
Boots Are a Porter's Best Friend (Bronze): Change footwear for the first time.
Building Bridges (Bronze): Reach Bridge Link Grade 1.
Catcher Crusher (Bronze): Defeat a Catcher.
Childminder (Bronze): Reach maximum connection level with BB.
Deliveries Done (Bronze): Complete 36 standard orders.
Everyday Delivery (Bronze): Complete a standard order.
Giver of Gifts (Bronze): Make your first donation of weapons, equipment, etc.
Good Samaritan (Bronze): Deliver your first piece of lost cargo.
Homo Faber (Bronze): Fabricate all available weapons and equipment.
Hooked on Delivering!? (Bronze): Deliver 700 items of cargo.
Master Builder (Bronze): Build at least one of every type of structure (including signs, ladders, and climbing anchors.)
Prominent Porter (Bronze): Reach Grade 10 in any delivery evaluation category.
Public Service Porter (Bronze): Dispose of chiralium-contaminated cargo in the crater lake for the first time.
Pumped Porter (Bronze): Deliver 3,000 kg of cargo.
Rest In Pieces (Bronze): In a BT area, cut an umbilical cord for the first time without the BT noticing.
Snooze 'n' Soothe (Bronze): Heal by sleeping for the first time.
The Automation Revolution (Bronze): Complete a standard order with a delivery bot.
The Past Guides the Present (Bronze): Read 100 interviews.
The Post Guides the Present (Bronze): Read 100 mails.
Trail-Blazer (Bronze): Upgrade all types of structure to the maximum level.
Well Connected (Bronze): Reach connection level three with a facility.
Well-Traveled (Bronze): Travel 80 km and complete an order.

Additionally, there are 31 secret trophies:

Thanks for Everything (Silver): Complete Episode 14: Lou.
"BB" (Bronze): Complete Episode 7: Clifford.
A New Day for the UCA (Bronze): Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA.
A Thirst for Knowledge (Bronze): Restore your first memory chip.
BB... (Bronze): Complete Episode 4: Unger.
BBs: A Bridge Between This World and the One Beyond (Bronze): Complete Episode 6: Deadman.
Bring Back My Baby (Bronze): Complete Episode 11: Clifford Unger.
Chiral Crafter (Bronze): Recycle chiral crystals for the first time.
Delivering Is What I Do (Bronze): Complete the prologue: Porter.
Fount of Knowledge (Bronze): Restore all memory chips.
God Particle Go-Getter (Bronze): Find Higgs's home.
Great Deliverer (Bronze): Reach Grade 60 in all delivery evaluation categories.
I Couldn't Hold it In! (Bronze): Pee outside for the first time.
I Won't Break (Bronze): Complete Episode 3: Fragile.
I'm Your Die-Hardman (Bronze): Complete Episode 10: Die-Hardman.
In Sam We Trust (Bronze): Connect all facilities to the UCA.
Like and Be Liked (Bronze): Give your first Like.
Pathfinder (Bronze): Help porters through a MULE or terrorist area for the first time.
Rebuilding America (Bronze): Complete Episode 1: Bridget.
She's waiting for you on the Beach. (Bronze): Complete Episode 12: Bridges.
Sixty Deaths and Sixty Births in a Day (Bronze): Complete Episode 8: Heartman.
Sleep Tight, Little BB (Bronze): Soothe a crying BB and stop the crying for the first time.
Soak and Sigh (Bronze): Take your first hot spring bath.
Soothing Sounds (Bronze): Use the music player for the first time.
Thank You, Sam (Bronze): Complete Episode 13: Sam Strand.
The Custom Kid (Bronze): Acquire your first piece of customization data.
The Particle of God (Bronze): Complete Episode 9: Higgs.
The People's Porter (Bronze): Reach a total of 2,400 Likes on the Results Screen.
The World's Most Popular Porter (Bronze): Reach a total of 50,000 Likes on the Results Screen.
We Need You (Bronze): Complete Episode 2: Amelie.
We're Whole Again (Bronze): Complete Episode 5: Mama

Vue : 7671 fois
Mise à jour : 2019.11.13

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