Arcanum - Character Editor v1.7

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Arcanum - Character Editor v1.7

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Nom du fichier : Arcanum - Character Editor v1.7 - Auteur : DKO - [PC]

Arcanum Edit is a project that I just started in my free time. Since 
the full game was not released then,I started using the demo, but as  
the game is now out. I have tested this editor on it and it does work.

Attention I need save files (tfaf,tfai,gsi,picture) with the following 
characters :
Weldo Rubin, Tollo Underhill, The Bane of Kree, Sebastion, 
Loghaire Thunderstone, Kraka-Tur, Gorgoth, Franklin Payne, and Arronax. 
If I missed someone who is a permenant follower and I do not have them 
in the editor send them in. It would also help if you raise their 
level at least once before sending them in.

Revision History

Version 1.7
* Found a bug that caused some characters to be the wrong due to
  thier age. Fixed that one.
* Some characters like the dog and Waromon have skills that do not show
  up in the editor. Rather then worry about how to change them without
  corrupting the game, I just disabled the use of that portion of the 
  editor for that character.
* Torian Kel, Waromon, and Thorvald Two Stones are now in the editor.
* Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe, Dante, and the Dog are now in the editor.
* Found out that Raven and Perriman did not show up in some saves. 
  Found a new search value to look for that seems to be right. 
* Intial directory for when loading saves is now the install default
  location C:\Sierra\Arcanum\Modules\Arcanum\Save.
* I changed the skills editor code so no longer does it give you the 
  warning about skil......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Arcanum Edit Version Info.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 683 039 octets

Téléchargé : 13886 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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