Homeworld 2 FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0

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Homeworld 2 FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0

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Nom du fichier : Homeworld 2 FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0 - Auteur : BAH - [PC]

Name: Marc Novakouski
Email: bahamut_026@hotmail.com
Game: Homeworld 2
Guide: FAQ/Walkthrough
Date: 9-28-03
Version: 1.0

Homeworld is copyright Sierra Entertainment.  This guide is not in any 
way associated or endorsed by Sierra or Relic, the developer.

Copyright 2003 Marc Novakouski
Anyone can use this guide (or parts of it) for public or private use, as 
long as said use is non-profit and proper credit is given to the author.

Approved Hosting Sites

Version History
1.0 - all missions complete.

Planned Updates
-If I get a significant amount of interest I may play through the game 
again to refine my strategies.

Contact Info
Any serious questions for this game may be directed to the above email.  
Note I expect you know how to play the game, so I will not respond to 
questions which may be answered within the tutorial or the manual.  The 
purpose of this faq is to provide strategies on how to overcome the 
situations in this game; not to teach you how to play it.  I will also 
not bother answering anything I specifically answer within the body of 
the faq, any insults, flames, or intentionally stupid questions.  I Will 
answer requests for clarifications or specifics on my strategies, if it 
is not clear below.  Put simply, don't waste my time and I won't waste 

I.  Purpose.
The purpose of this guide is to provide winning strategies for the 
single player missions in Homeworld 2.  Specifically, I plan ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : homeworld_2_b.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : bahh21walk.zip
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : bahh21walk.zip
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip: bahh21walk.zip

Taille du fichier : 27 631 octets

Téléchargé : 5705 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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