Anvil Saga Cheat Codes

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Anvil Saga Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Anvil Saga Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Anvil Saga Cheat Codes

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Anvil Saga

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Reputation Guide:
Written by Arseniy-II

Reputation mechanics is unclear. Here I’ll try to make it easier
for you to decide which orders to accept and when.

-=Factions and Professions=-
* France: Peasants, Merchants, Hunters, Soldiers, Knights, Scholars
* England: Peasants, Merchants, Hunters, Soldiers, Knights, Scholars
* Bandits: Thieves, Assasins, Scholars
* Witches: Witch
* The Holy Church: Monk

Note: “Thieves” and “Assasins” are not official names but I was strugle
to finde how to call them. I’ll update names if I’ll find the proper ones.

-=General Logic=-
* If you accept order from any factions any profession but will not
complete it you will loose -1 reputation
* If you decline order from bandits (any profession) you will loose
-1 reputation from bandits
* If you pay taxes you will get +5 reputation (works for England, France,
The Holly Church) but only up to 70

-=Customers and Their Reputation Changes=-
Different proffessions has different reputation changes. There are also
static reputation change I’ll use “S” (despite of the cirumstances reputation
will change) and dynamic reputation change I’ll use “D” (depends on the
cirumstances you may loose additional reputation)

Depending on circumstances some professions from other factions may turn
around and leave

UI has a lot of bugs, you may see above customers -10 +2 -1 or -1 above 2
customers, all that doesn’t represent actual situation, you may ignore those
values (may be it will be fixed). Some times they work correctly but in most
cases they are wrong and missleading.

* Witch: +2 “S” Witch -10 “D” The Holy Church (IF monk near your station),
all monks on the screen will leave
* Monk: +2 “S” The Holy Church -10 “D” Witch (IF witch near your station),
all wiitches on the screen will leave
* Peasants: no changes to reputation
* Merchants: +1 “S” France/England -1 “D” England/France (IF England/France
merchant, hunter near your station)
* Hunter: +1 “S” France/England -1 “D” England/France (IF England/France
merchant, hunter near your station), all England/France merchants, hunters
on the screen will leave
* Soldiers: +1 “S” France/England -1 “S” England/France
* Thieves: no changes to reputation, England and France merchants and
hunters on the screen will leave
* Assassins: +1 “S” Bandits -1 “S” England -1 “S” France, England and France
merchants and hunters on the screen will leave

Note: When compleating order for example for the witch you will loose only
10 reputation even if you have 2 or more monks near your station (same for
other “D” reputation loss).

Note: You will loose “D” reputation only if corresponding customer NEAR
your station if customer is only going towards it (didn’t stop yet) then
you will not loose reputation.

Vue : 610 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.10.01

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