Operation Flashpoint Walkthrough

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Operation Flashpoint Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : Operation Flashpoint Walkthrough - Auteur : FAC - [PC]

Faceman's Flashpoint Fieldbook

by Faceman a.k.a Bharatma

This is just a simple WT for the campaign missions and NOT a strategy guide,
This is the first WT I'm writing, so do not expect wonders from me.
However, should you have any questions, suggestions or corrections
you can mail me at faceman-bjk@gmx.net

Special Thanks to NOBODY, I did all this on my OWN. HAHAHAHAHAHA...
(if you're going to contribute to this WT, I'll probably have to lose that



Just follow orders. I sure don't have to tell you how to walk properly.


In your first real mission you'll learn two important rules.
A.)"If you wanna grow old, stay out of the road"
B.)If you are carrying a lousy M16 and there are M1A1 tanks to support you,
why would you
bother to attack in blind rage?
So take cover and let the others do most of the work. No heroics,
Move slowly towards the villlage and eliminate everything the others have
When all enemies have died or retreated you are victorious.

tip: If you're lying inside a bush (the black spots on the map), you're
almost invisible.
Even soldiers at distances of 50m and less won't spot you.


This is an opportunity to practice, what we've learned in the last mission.
Stay down!
Don't get t......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : operationflashpoint_walk.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : ofwalk.zip
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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : ofwalk.zip
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Nom du fichier zip: ofwalk.zip

Taille du fichier : 8 002 octets

Téléchargé : 7510 fois
Mise à jour : 2002.02.08

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