The Mystery of the Druids Walkthrough

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The Mystery of the Druids Walkthrough

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Nom du fichier : The Mystery of the Druids Walkthrough - Auteur : SNO - [PC]

The Mystery of the Druids
Complete Walkthrough


In the year 1000 AD the druids were facing their extinction. The last druids
decided to transfer their powers and magic onto five babies in a cruel rite at
the megalith circle of Stonehenge, to make sure their secret powers survived
A small group of the druids feared though that these children would never be
taught how to responsibly use their druidic powers - they might become tyrants
nobody could ever stop. To prevent this, the small group of druids kept their
energy in the rite, so it remained incomplete
The children, the ??inheritants of the druids??, grew up and became powerful
personalities. The secret existence of the druids circle was guaranteed, but
not the whole druidic powers were united

You play as Detective Brent Halligan, inspector of Scotland Yard, who has to
investigate in a mysterious murder case.


Left mouse button:
-	Normal arrow ?C moves character up/down/left/right in the screen (one click)
o	         - makes character run (double click)
-	Special arrow ?C pick objects, open doors or items
-	Directional arrow ?C takes character to another place (different screen)
-	Magnifier glass ?C take a closer look to an object or section of a room

Right mouse button:
-	Special arrow ?C examines objects
-	When holdi......

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Taille du fichier : 12 642 octets

Téléchargé : 4692 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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