Wipeout Fusion FAQ v1.0

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Wipeout Fusion FAQ v1.0

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Nom du fichier : Wipeout Fusion FAQ v1.0 - Auteur : IMP - [PSX]

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                        W i p E o u t  f u s i o n  F A Q
                        WipEout fusion (Aus PAL Version)
                                Version 1.00
                            Current size: 135kb
                         Date Started: 13th of January 2002
                   Current Version Date: 25th of January 2002
                      Written By: Steven Hughes (impulse75)
                         E-mail: ......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : wipeout_fusion.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : impwffaq1.zip
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : impwffaq1.zip
Trainers City

Animal Ships:
In the cheat menu (found in extras), enter the combination:
Triangle, O, O, Triangle, X

Hidden Cheats in Gallery mode
As you progress through the game you unlock images in gallery mode. Some of the later images have codes hidden in the top left corner of them, so keep an eye out.

Infinite Shield:
In the cheat menu (found in extras), enter the combination:
Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square

Infinite Weapons:
In the cheat menu (found in extras), enter the combination:
Triangle, O, X, O, Square

Infinite Cannon
At the Cheats menu, enter Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

Unlimited Ammo
At the Cheats menu, enter Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Square.

Retro Planes:
In the cheat menu (found in extras), enter the combination:
X, O, Triangle, Square, X

Shave a fraction of a second off Time Trial/Fast Lap Challenge race/lap times:
At the start of a Time Trial/Fast Lap challenge, you start a few meters behind the starting line. The timer only starts once you cross the starting line, so turn around at the start of a race, drive the wrong way until you reach top speed. Now, turn around and race towards the starting line. This way, you can cross the starting line at full speed and thus save some time that would have been wasted reaching top speed.

Super Fast ships:
In the cheat menu (found in extras), enter the combination:
Square, X, X, X, Triangle

Unlock all features:
In the cheat menu (found in extras), enter the combination:
X, Triangle, O, Triangle, O

Unlock Gold Challenges for each team:
Simply get Gold medals in the first 5 challenges for a team in challenge mode to unlock the team's Gold Challenge.

Unlock team Super Weapon
Get ANY medal in the first 5 challenges for a team to unlock the team's Super Weapon.

Unlock Time Trial Mode:
Complete 60% of the game and Time Trial Mode will become available to play.

Mini Ships
Enter the code O,square,square,X,O into the extras then cheats menu to make your ships shrink

Nom du fichier zip: impwffaq1.zip

Taille du fichier : 40 303 octets

Téléchargé : 6155 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01
Vue : 6155 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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