Arcanum : Magick Obscura Cheat Codes

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Arcanum : Magick Obscura Cheat Codes

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Nom du fichier : Arcanum : Magick Obscura Cheat Codes - Auteur : RPG - [PC]

Arcanum: Magick Obscura [cheats&hints] cheat:
Your main objective can be seen in the load/save screen. Other objectives are not relevant to the main one.

Some of the locations I didn't discover yet, so it is up to you. Since this game covers huge playing area, and the maximum level is 50 (after 50, you don't receive any more points), I highly suggest to build WP up to fifteen and learn teletransportation spell to save more time, or you prefer to walk. Here are the map coordinates for the Arcanum Continent. 


Torin Quarry W1420, S1100
Torgs Altar W1214, S1139
Crash Site W1452, S1292
Arbalahs House
W1453, S1304
Shrouded Hills
W1409, S1306
Simon Fahrkus- Shack
W1452, S1326
Black Root W1097, S1442
Wolfs Cave W1230, S1532
Liams Workshop
W1181, S1466
Ancient Maze W1368, S1585
Tarant W937, S1027
W1238, S1652
Razor Points W1503, S1771
Hardins Pass W1289, S712
Stone Cutter Clan W1342, S887
Wheel Clan W954, S667
Still Water W1191, S754
The Black Mountain Mines W1308, S755


Ancient Temple
W775, S917
Vooriden W871, S1191
Elven Ruins W712, S1022
Forbidden Pit W833, S1032
Kree W635, S1203
W506, S987
Ancient Shipwreck W500, S891
The Lair of Bellerogrim W769, S839


Shades Beach W374, S826
The Women's Camp W268, S823
The home of Maximilian
W321, S837


Falcon's Ache W1327, S562
Quintarr W1546, S657
Small Pond W1596, S881
Small Camp W12......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Arcanum Magick Obscura.txt,

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 2 278 octets

Téléchargé : 6122 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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