Parodius - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Parodius - Author: ANO

All Power-Ups
Pause the game and then enter the following code....
Up - Up - Down - Down - Left - Right - Left - Right - Right - Left

Pause the game and then enter the following code....
Triangle - Triangle - Right - Left - Right - Left - Down - Left

Level Select
Enter the following code at the Title Screen....
Square - Square - Square - Square - Square - Triangle - Triangle - Triangle - Triangle - Triangle - Triangle - Triangle - Circle - Circle - Circle

Max Power Ups
Press pause during gameplay and enter the following;
Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, X, Circle.

Unpause and you'll have max verything except a shield. In two-player mode, both ships will power up from one code entry.

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