Notebook Entries Vol. 1 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Notebook Entries Vol. 1 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Surviving the Night:
Written by F'lah Turath Simpson

-=Stage One=-
In stage one you break and enter someone elses house like a jerk.

The first step is turning all the lights on in the house, once you
complete turning on all the lights go and turn one off. The whole house
will go dark.

On floor two there will now be a blood trail visible from in your viewfinder.
Follow the blood trail to start the encounter with chaos. As you likely won’t
have your mic on you won’t need to worry, you can only make noise which can
endanger you when the mic symbol is visible.

The monsters will mostly not be visible in the camera, as you move slowly
you’ll be able to see grey black monsters , avoid touching them and make your
way to the staircase avoiding the monster to the left of the blood stain in
the hallway, one monster on the bannister hanging around and one monster
walking along the landing atop the stairs.

once you turn the viewfinder around on the camera begin immediatly walking
forward in order to evade the monster, if you get grabbed it’ll only send you
back to the office stage so it’s not a tremendous setback.

On the first flood make your way to the front door on the left staying close
to the walls as one monster does wander up the hall. You’ll find that the wall
despite not being there in your camera view is blocking your way out. Turn
around and walk back across the foyer towards the water closet, avoiding the
few monsters which spawn [] once arriving in the toliet you’ll see a narrow
path behind a wall , walk through it and procede up the stairs and take the

Once you’ve arrived you’ll be dropped into a white void where you’ll have to
avoid the skins lying on the ground.

-=Stage Two=-
This stage take I feel an homage to that early 2010s webcomic of the boy looking
across with his telescope at other apartments. Feel free to evaluate your neighbors
it’ll be very evident which one you’ll need to look at to progress the story.

[But if you struggle bottom left]

The rest of this stage is simple to complete, activate the red objects

Congrats you’ve made it to the intermission, walking through this psychadelic
charnal hallway until you bump into a less than friendly void-spirit.

The monster will challenge you to what is essentially the game diplomacy. If
you issue 1 attack order in the same direction as it’s attack order then it’ll
bound the attack, you can defend forever but the best way of acting is seeing
when it’s blocking and attack from the opposite direction. You should remember
that it’s perspective is looking at you.

After you beat stage one it’ll advance to stage two where it uses two issued
directions increasing the difficulty but now it’s just even more like the game
of diplomacy where both rounds are played but there is no one to wager with:

Block >= Attack
Block <= Attack
Attack >= Block
Attack <= Block

-=Section 3: Drive O Rama=-
This car spins like a beeyatch , you’ll eventually hit something in the road.

You’ll hit some deamon jelly jerk but that’s mostly because you don’t have a
license plate.

-=Section Four: Poor Posture=
In this section you’re playing a depressed bloke with poor posture, who doesn’t
like looking up

Alas behold desolution, another void demon has arrived and snags you after raining
down limbs on the baseball stands.

-=Section V: DDr=-
Click on the voice prompts as you are trying to get away from ‘them’

[Avoiding pausing as it’ll keep the subtitltes moving but they won’t vocalize
till they hit their cue]

There are some prompts you’ll have to spell in order for them to work, something
akin to the old typing of the dead game or any in that genre.

* You’ll have to click the get up option
* Then follow the voice in the bottom right
* You’ll need to click hide
* You’ll need to type Was
* You’ll need to click on the office and then click to lock the door
* You’ll jump out the window.
* You’ll need to select the running man emoticon 3 time.
* You’ll have to select the bolt cutters from your bad on mine they were in the
right sector. No idea if this changes but didn’t during multiple runs

After this the creature will spot you and you’ll need to alternate click left
mouse, right mouse to sprint to the next house. Listen to what you are being told.

Don’t get fooled by being told not to get up, missing the repeated prompt will
cause a reset

Select get up several times then type hide to hide again in the closet.

Type SAS rather than Was

Back to the office, or maybe the red bedroom who knows what could happen there.

Select the option to stay in the bedroom

Kill lmao

-=Sector Six: Policia=-
* Answer the call for domestic violence trooper
* R to reload, Lmb for shoot
* Congrats your the body cam.
* Investigate upstairs, watch out officer,
* Investigate the bathroom down the hall you’ll hear the sound of glass breaking,
return to the hallway and guess what you forgot that it’s void demon day and this
place is infested you’ll need to survive.
* Blast the void demon back to hell and then investigate the rest of the top floor
* After the next cutscene you’ll move down the hall and find a mutated surviror,
assist her in evacuating the home.
* Listen to the radio commands from the ghost SWAT teams
* Beat the ? out of the next ghost you see, be police brutalitly. Recover your gun
and then decide to explore the basement.

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