Riven Cheat Codes

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Riven Cheat Codes

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Nom du fichier : Riven Cheat Codes - Auteur : ANO - [PC]

Riven [cheats] Gate Room
To get to Gehn's world, you must be able to solve the Gate Room puzzlefirst. To solve this hard puzzle you first must click 4 times on thebutton in front of the gate room. Then go to the locked gate by going left when you are looking at the bridge. Even though the gate is locked, you can get past it by going under it. Go forward and you will see the gate room and another passage area. When you get to the switch, turn it on and turn around. Go forward until you see a lever and another button. First pull down the lever then press the button 2 times. Go forward to the other passage and do the same thing again. Go forward to the next passage and press the button 2 times again. This time when you press the button 2 times, the gate is open and you can get to the fire marble dome. 

Hidden faces 
At the start of the game, leave Temple Island and then return. Go to where you started. Next, go to the bottom of the staircase and look down to the right. Two faces are in the top-left. To find the other three, rotate the Gate Room (rotating room) until you can enter from the passage under the gate. Go under the gate, and immediately after you do that, on the right side of the screen, you will see three faces. You will only see them if you can enter the room from the place you are in.

For more hidden faces, step outside the cage where you start the game. Turn left, and look up. One face is just to the left of lower center, hidden in the rocks. The othe......

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Riven.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anorvencc.zip
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : anorvencc.zip
Trainers City

Nom du fichier zip: anorvencc.zip

Taille du fichier : 2 707 octets

Téléchargé : 4692 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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