The Mortuary Assistant Cheat Codes

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The Mortuary Assistant Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : The Mortuary Assistant Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

The Mortuary Assistant Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Demon Banishing Guide:
Written by Bloodshed

You will learn how to identify a demon and banish him correctly.

-=3 Main Steps=-
The process of banishing consists of 3 steps:

* Identify the body.
* Identify the demon’s name.
* Burn the body.

-=Which Body to Burn?=-
It is very important to choose the body correctly. There are 3 bodies
during your shift. at the start of the shift they reside in the cold
storage. One of them is possesed. So how to tell which one fo them?

Pay attention to the body that you are embalming.
There are 3 "triggers" which can be a sign of possesion:

* New marks (burns, rash, scratches, etc) may appear on the body.
* The body may twitch a little (look at the hands and feet).
* The smile may appear. After stitching up the jaw pay attention to the mouth
of the body. If it looks like your dead man is smiling – thats a sign of

Pay attention to the haunts and events. There are two particular events,
involving bodies that can proove it’s posessed.

* The "slamming doors" event. The little doors in the cold storage will open
and close repeatedly. After that one of the bodies will roll out of the
storage. The body that rolls out – is the one which posessed.

* The event when one of the bodyes appear in the hallway to the cold storage.
A ghost figure representing one of the bodies you embalm may appear there.

The end-game sigil. You can draw in your notepad (yoy have to pick it up
from the desk) in order to know haw much time you have left to banish the
demon. When the time is runnung out the drawing in your notepad becomes a
sigil (a demons mark). Remember this sigil.

* You can pick up the matches (reception room) and the ash bag (cold storage
room in front of incenerator). Then you can fill the bag with ash (ash is
under the incenerator). Than apply the ash bag to the body you suspect is
posessed. The ash will appear on it’s stomack. Now ypu need to use matches
on this ash. The sigil will appear.

* If the body is possesed the sigil in your notepad will be the same as the
one on the body. If they are different, than the body is 100% NOT posessed.

-=What Is the Demon’s Name?=-
There are letting strips in your wooden closet (old drawer) on the left from
the computer. You can use them to get the sigils which represent the demon’s
name. Demon’s name consists of 4 sigils.

Take the letting strip in your inventory. Then press Q. When you getting
closer to the sigil, the letting strip will smoke, burn and eventualy
evaporate in flames. After this a sigil will uncover. It man appear on the
walls or the floor.

At the start of the shift you can uncover only 2 sigils. While embalming
the 2nd body you can uncover one more. During the 3rd embalming – the last

There are 4 fixed places in which the sigils appear:
* Embalming room.
* Reception.
* Hallway to the cold storage.
* Cold storage.

After getting all 4 sigils you have to put them togather correctly. Open up
the "Nightshift database" in computer (the password is written on the back
doctors access card in the drawer near the doors to the hallway of cold
storage). There you can find the demon’s names. Choose the one which contains
only the sigils you found. Remember the order in whisch they are put in.

Now you can write this name on the mark.

-=Send Him to Hell!=-
* Put the Mark on the corect body.
* Roll it to the incenerator.
* Press the red button.

Congratulations! Now you can hear demon screaming in agony!

Vue : 1995 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.01.21

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