Hell Let Loose Cheat Codes

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Hell Let Loose Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Hell Let Loose Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How To Skip The Intro Movies:
In a hurry to get into a server but the intro’s are keeping you back?
Here’s how to fix that!

-=Follow these simple steps=-
Go to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hell Let Loose\HLL\Content\Movies
* Either delete the files completely or add a number to their name in the end.
* And BAM! Now you are in the game faster than ever!
* Want the intro movies back?
* Verify the game’s cache and it will redownload the files,
or remove the number from the video file’s name!!

Infantry Tips for Beginners:
Written by OykotCB

This guide is about tips for Infantry and some basics in case you are struggling
in the Battlefield. This guide will also go over some new mechanics released in
Patch 2. So yeah, a few tips for infantry and maybe this could help you on the
battlefield. There are 4 tips that could help you on the battlefield.

-=Tip 1: Leaning=-
Leaning is a new mechanic released in Patch 2. Leaning can be done by pressing Q
and E. You can use leaning behind trees, and rocks. Leaning will not work if you
are prone. So when you are crouching or standing, you can use lean. Also a good
tip is to lean against walls, and lean against houses. Locations to use leaning.
Any house on an objective: Like Houses in St. Marie Du Mont. Sometimes you can
use them in trenches for close quarters trench combat. Behind trees, fences,
hedgerows, and rocks. Leaning can help you get good spots off at enemies around a
corner, it also helps you get a good idea without having to expose your whole body
to the enemy or the open. Overall, you can use leaning to get at the enemy before
they get at you.

-=Tip 2: Cover=-
A self explanatory tip is of course cover. Crouching behind rocks, and other
objects like trees, houses, tanks, hedgerows, fences, trenches, logs, etc. Hiding
behind them makes you safe from direct shots at your location, unless they flank
you. Along with using leaning behind cover, you can get an edge against your enemy.
Cover already helps, but also using the new lean feature can really help for your
own safety. Cover can be taken advantage by the enemy too, so to counter cover is
to use grenades at enemy cover like objects enemies could be hiding behind.
Throwing grenades or shooting at logs, trees, houses etc can scare the enemy or
kill them if they are behind those cover objects. Or you could just flank them
without the enemies noticing their location has been compromised.

-=Tip 3: Smoke=-
Smoke is used to advance forward and also to protect your own self from enemies.
But beware, enemies and friendlies will shoot at your smoke. Friendlies will
especially if they do not have their markers set up to 500 meters. The smoke is
very white and bright. It is blinding for anyone so it is perfect for you. Just
be careful because you will not be able to see your enemies either. It is best
used to advance from one place to another. As long as they don't get a lucky shot
and kill you through the smoke.

Smoke can be used in open fields, and to move forward in open locations.
Artillery can also fire smoke, as well as most roles should have smoke too.

-=Tip 4: Terrain=-
Terrain like hills can be very useful. Rivers, not so much compared to hills
anyways. Hide behind hills to protect yourself from the enemy if the enemy is
on the other side of the hill. Also if you are on top of the hill, look down at
any charging enemies that will be free for you to kill. Snipers can really use
this location. Just make sure you can breathe if you get too far up on the high
ground. Hills can be used to charge and flank objectives. Hurtgen Forest is a
great example, the hill to the east of North Pass is a great location to flank
and kill the enemy if you are the Axis.

Simple Guide to AT Guns:
Written by Rat Bastard

Nothing fancy, just some stuff I've learned after playing this game too much.

-=General Tips=-
I remember a discussion with one of the devs talking about how the mobility/speed of
AT guns must be carefully balanced. AT guns are potent in their current form.

I've been actively testing gun emplacement, timing and effectiveness. Enemy armor is
a terrible thing to behold. Always, there are players running around screaming "AT! AT!",
as their teammates are blown to bits. Tanks are death machines and I treat them as such.

Quick advice on how to stop those enemy tank crews from having so much fun:

IMO, AT guns are most useful when building them to quickly destroy an active and relatively
immobile tank. In other words, a tank that you actually see, or a tank that is marked. I
see a lot of AT guys building guns in anticipation/hope of destroying an enemy tank that
happens to pass by. This is valid, but AT guns are cumbersome to traverse and "getting lucky"
seldom works, in my experience. Lately, I've almost exclusively been building an AT gun only
if I have an active target to fire at (yes, strong points are juicy targets, too).

It takes a little experience to quickly find an ideal spot and to properly position the gun.

The number one most important thing to do when using an AT gun is make sure you have all your
team markers set to 500m.

Find a secure position and angle the gun directly at your target. Try to center the barrel
on the optimal field of view. You can turn the gun as you're placing it with the Q and E
keys. Position the gun in a secure area away from enemy fire, if you can. The farther the
better. This is the most difficult step. You have to get it right the first time. The gun's
effective range is phenomenal. Elevated positions are best. Elevation is shown on the maps,
but it is hard to read. Low-lying areas are shown as groups of red hash marks. Obstructing
terrain can be troublesome..."A Fence", if you will. Finding a good, elevated position is
half the battle. Even slight elevation can make a huge difference for your line of fire.

A properly trained AT guy knows the value of the Support class. These two, together, can
bring some serious firepower to the field. Support drops supplies, AT builds the gun.

Both guys man the gun for the quick tank kill or bombardment of the hard point in prep
for assault.

Cross your fingers and hope the enemy tank doesn't spot you as you send rounds at it.
A tank will one-shot an AT gun and kill the crew. Enemy infantry will try to kill you.
A few clicks later, hopefully, Dead Tank and/or captured point.

Gameplay Tips for New Players + Guide:
Written by Captain Aardvark

This is the ultimate beginners guide to hll, i will teach u everything u
need to know to survive

-=Part 1. Guns=-
Guns go brrrr and kill enemies, they can also kill teammates so be careful
who and where your shooting

-=Part 2. Enemies=-
Never let your guard down enemies are literally everywhere,
even right under your nose.

* There are enemies in front of you
* There are enemies behind you
* There are enemies on the sides of you
* There are enemies above you
* and last but not least There are even enemies under you

-=Part 3. Maps=-
* Maps are important and can change the entire feel of the game, some are in towns
* others in trenches or woods just be prepared for anything
Different factions are on different maps which also changes the game alot

-=Part 4. Factions=-
* Factions play a huge role in the game cause certain factions have better weaponry
then others
* depending on map for the allies u will either have USA or USSR but the Germans
will always be playable
* each faction has some guns that are better then others and some factions just suck
completely “america cough cough”
* Germany has the best weapons all around but the soviet anti tank and ppsh are
very good too

-=Part 5. death/kills=-
* It does not show when u get a kill unless u go to the leaderboard by pressing tab
then personnel status
* this is not an arcade game so depending on the gun u can take most people out
in 2-5 shots
* take in consideration most people playing are better then u at this point and
will kill u very fast so always stay behind cover
* when u die which will happen alot (believe me lol) u will have to spawn at the OP
at the back of the map, your teams garrison or your squads outpost which they seem
to never build

-=Part 6. Commander/SL=-
* Do not play as squad leader unless u have a mic and have been playing for a few weeks

Vue : 2460 fois
Mise à jour : 2021.06.20

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