Majesty The Northern - Walktrough v1.7

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Majesty The Northern - Walktrough v1.7

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Nom du fichier : Majesty The Northern - Walktrough v1.7 - Auteur : SWC - [PC]

                      Majesty: the Fantasy Kingdom Sim
                       Majesty: the Northern Expansion

             Walkthroughs of Advanced, Expert and Master Quests
                        (Plus Some Other Information)

                             By Steven W. Carter

                                Last Updated
                                June 14, 2001


1. Introduction
2. Technical Note

3. Gameplay Notes
3.1. Casting Spells on Your Heroes
3.2. Defenses
3.3. Making Money

4. Majesty FKS Advanced Quests
4.1. A Deal with the Demon
4.2. Elven Treachery
4.3. Free the Slaves
4.4. Hold Off the Goblin Hordes
4.5. Quest for the Crown
4.6. Quest for the Magic Ring

5. Majesty FKS Expert Quests
5.1. Brashnard's Ultimate Sphere of Power
5.2. The Dark Forest
5.3. The Day of Reckoning
5.4. The Fertile Plain
5.5. Slay the Mighty Dragon
5.6. Tomb of the Dragon King
5.7. Vengeance of the Liche Queen

6. Majesty NE Advanced Quests
6.1. The Clash of Empires
6.2. The Fortress of Ixmil
6.3. Rise of the Ratmen
6.4. Trade Routes
6.5. Urban Renewal

7. Majesty NE Expert Quests
7.1. Darkness Falls
7.2. Legendary Heroes
7.3. The Siege
7.4. The Valley of the Serpents

8. Majesty NE Master Quests
8.1. Spires of Death
8.2. Vigil for a Fallen Hero

9. Downloada......

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Nom du fichier zip:

Taille du fichier : 33 048 octets

Téléchargé : 4438 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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