Oni FAQ v0.1

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Oni FAQ v0.1

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Nom du fichier : Oni FAQ v0.1 - Auteur : MGN - [PSX]

                  O  N  I    F  A  Q    v  0  .  1
                            Oni Faq v0.1
                      for the PC (Windows Format)
             Written By Martin Gaston (RugbyMart@Lineone.net)

Unpublished work Copyright 2001 Martin Gaston

This FAQ is for private and personal use only.  It can only be
reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice
appears in full.  This FAQ is NOT to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides,
books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This
Oni FAQ was written and is owned by me, Martin Gaston (rugbymart@lineone.net).


I.     Introduction                                    
II.    What Is Oni?                                    
III.   Controls                                        
IV.    Moves                                           
V.     Weapons                                        
VI.    Items                                           
VII.   Frequently Asked Questions                      

VIII.  Walkthrough

...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : oni.txt,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : mgnonifaq01.zip
Trainers City

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...Vous trouverez le reste de ces informations dans : Trainers.nfo,

si vous téléchargez ce fichier : mgnonifaq01.zip
Trainers City

Avoid fall damage
When jumping off or falling from a high area, press L2 close to the ground to flip and not take any damage from the fall.
Master code:
Press Select during game play. Highlight "Help", then press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square. There is no confirmation that the code is active. The following sub codes may now be enabled. The master code must be entered before each sub code.

Unlimited health:
Enable the "Master code", then press R3, L3, R3, Circle. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Unlimited ammunition:
Enable the "Master code", then press L2(2), L1, L3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Ballistic ammunition clips filled:
Enable the "Master code", then press Circle(3), R3. . A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

One hit kills:
Enable the "Master code", then press L3, R3, Circle, Square. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Konoko can now kill enemies with one hit. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Level skip:
Enable the "Master code", then press L3, R3, L2, L1. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Character select:
Enable the "Master code", then press L2(4). A sound will confirm correct code entry. Keep pressing L2 to cycle through the characters available on the current level. Each has special moves different from Konoko, and is a remnant from the network/death match mode that was removed before the game's final release.

Tiny characters:
Enable the "Master code", then press L3, R3, Square, Circle. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Big characters:
Enable the "Master code", then press R3, Square, Circle, L3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Big head:
Enable the "Master code", then press Start, Square, Circle, Start. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Fists Of Legend mode:
Enable the "Master code", then press R3, L3, Circle, Square. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects. When activated, this code makes your enemies fly further when punched.

Gatling Guns mode:
Enable the "Master code", then press L2, L2, L1, L3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Most weapons can fire without pausing, and all weapons will have unlimited ammunition. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Unlimited Phase Cloak:
Enable the "Master code", then press L1, R3, L2, L3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Avoid fall damage:
When you jump off or fall from a high area, press L2 to flip close to the ground. You will not take damage from the fall.

Leaning gut punch:
Press R1 + L2 for a secret, albeit weird, leaning gut punch.

Skip training:
Instead of selecting "New Game", select "Load Game" and level 1 will be available to start on.

Infinite Health
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, R3, L3, R3, Circle. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Enter again to disable.

One-Hit Kills
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L3, R3, Circle, Square. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Enter again to disable.

Character Select
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L2, L2, L2, L2. Press L2 to cycle through the characters. If done correctly, you will hear a sound.

Tiny Characters
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L3, R3, Square, Circle. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Enter again to disable.

Big Characters
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, R3, Square, Circle, L3. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Enter again to disable.

Big Head
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, Start, Square, Circle, Start. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Enter again to disable.

Hard Mode
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, R3, L3, Circle, Square. If done correctly, you will hear a sound. Enter again to disable.

Unlimited Phase Cloak
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L1, R2, L2, L3.
Unlimited Ammo

During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L2, L2, L1, L3.

Instant Level Completion
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L3, R3, L2, L1.

Refill Hypo
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, R3.

Gatling Guns Mode
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, L2, L2, L1, L3.

Fists of Legend Mode
During gameplay, press Select, highlight Help and press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle, Square, R3, L3, Circle, Square.

Nom du fichier zip: mgnonifaq01.zip

Taille du fichier : 12 658 octets

Téléchargé : 4692 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01
Vue : 4692 fois
Mise à jour : 1970.01.01

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