Eschalon - Book III Cheat Codes

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Eschalon - Book III Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Eschalon - Book III Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Eschalon - Book III Cheat Codes

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Eschalon - Book III

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Simple tips:
Written by Scully

I've put together some tips and tricks I learned after playing through
the game once.

* If you play with the "inability to save while low on hp/poisoned/diseased"
challenge on, make sure you carry with you some cure condition potions and
detox potions at all times.

* Don't get too many skills on creation or level up. It takes 3 points to get
the first skill level, which is very inefficient compared to learning the
skill from a trainer or book. Personally I got through the game easily by
only putting points in meditation and elements.

* Don't delete anything, it could have importance for a quest. Worst case
deleting something could leave you stuck, unable to progress in the game.
If you have a full inventory, put stuff in containers.

* Lots of stuff can be destroyed by explosives, especially wooden stuff
(walls, fences, doors, containers etc).

* Do NOT go with cartography if you're a mage, you get a spell that does the
job much better. You may not want to get it at all regardless of class,
considering how easy it is to just get one point in Elements and then getting
"reveal map" spell.

* I think mana regen caps at 5 mana per turn (maybe the same for health?).
Don't do like I did and get 60 perception and 30 meditation :D

Level "Buster":
Submitted by: André Dürner

1. create a new save, e.g. "Cheat"
(saving the save point is recommended)
2. go to the desktop with [Alt] + [Tab] (or leave Eschalon)
3. open the save "Cheat" place number
(I like to use the last (here 20th place))
4. double-click on the file "char" / open directly in the hex editor
5. here you can now manipulate the level

It looks something like this (NEXT-Soft Hex-Editor MX)
in the 5th row under the player name:
47 00 00 00 D2 0F 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 E8 03 00 00 00 E8 03 00 00 DC EC FD FF DC EC FD FF DC EC FD FF DC EC FD FF

Only an excerpt is of interest here, which I put in square brackets:
47 00 00 00 [D2 0F]0 00 00 [04] 00 00 00 00 E8 03 00 00 00 E8 03

The first is the experience points, the second is the level

If only the level is set to 1 here and the memory status is loaded, then
you get 4 levels credited and thus 12 points each that you can distribute OR
You set the level to ONE AND the XP to ZERO, then it is as if you were starting from
the beginning, but with all your inventory and experience, only the level and the required
level and the required XP are reduced, nothing else.

If you do this with a higher level and you then get 4000 XP for completing a quest
a quest, this only counts as ONE LEVEL (not 3)

Should also work for the first Book I and Book II.

Vue : 938 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.12.31

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