Diplomacy is Not an Option Cheat Codes

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Diplomacy is Not an Option Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Diplomacy is Not an Option Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Diplomacy is Not an Option Cheat Codes

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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Gameplay Tips:
* Secure your starting area, use your initial units to ensure your
citizens can work safely.
* Focus on housing to increase your population early as the starter
food buildings can handle the strain. (So long as you gather more
in a day than you consume, you’ll have a surplus for troops)
* Lumber Camps are free*. The first level only costs workers and
build time, don’t be afraid to build a couple and to update their
positions to bring them closer to forests.
* Efficient infrastructure increases overall resource production,
ensure you’re placing Storage near lumber/mines and granaries near
food. Only necessary when resource production ranges too far from
the Town Hall, your food production is maxing out storage, or you
need to expand available storage to be able to afford expensive
* Always set archers to Target Strongest, so that they’ll prioritize
high threat units like Hulks who can wipe out your front line if
they’re left alive.
* Prioritize research that increases your economy over your military,
as the resultant increases will help afford said military upgrades.
* Do not research better wood walls, the wood is better put to
advancing your Town Hall and acquiring the much superior stone walls.
* Don’t forget you can pull workers from buildings if you need to,
whether it be getting an important building with the necessary pop
cost or some manpower for more military.
* Invest time in clearing the map, as the rewards of quadfold. More
territory to exploit for resources, resource carts for influxes of
extra goodies, mana crystals to cast spells, and finally less enemies
on the final wave.
* Build watch towers as you expand to find defensible spots and enemy
pathing, knowing which side of a mountain an enemy wave is coming
is paramount when your military resources are strained.
* There’s likely much more to know and learn about this game to
improve without counting potential game changing updates, so don’t
consider these tips as the pinnacle of game knowledge.

And remember the next time a filthy peasant with a stick starts
whacking your buildings, starts slaughtering your citizens, or looks
particularly offensive to your good senses.
Diplomacy is Not an Option!

Endless mode How to have unlimited resources:
Written by TTvSlaughtered

I see A LOT of people having issues with game crashing and not having
enough resources to do anything. Well here is a simple fix:

1.Game crashing- save as soon as the wave starts, and save after the
waves are done. Helped me past some waves even though im rocking a
3090 I should NOT be crashing often as well

2.The scarce resources, utilize the merchant! Utilize the Foresters
19 Foresters cabins, and 9 level 3 lumbermills within a small box
area within the base. You can trade the wood you get for other

Vue : 1598 fois
Mise à jour : 2023.02.12

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