Company of Heroes 2 Cheat Codes

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Company of Heroes 2 Cheat Codes
Nom du fichier : Company of Heroes 2 Cheat Codes - Auteur : DAV - [PC]

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

To open up the cheats console you have to be in-game and then press the following
buttons: Hold CTRL + SHIFT + TILDE (look for the ~ symbol) or [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+@ and
then after it’s open you can enter any cheat code.
Note: To close the cheats console after you’re done press the [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[TILDE]
keys again.

Effect Code
Big Head Mode. 1 for on, 0 for off. - ee_bigheadmode(1/0)
Display frames per second. - statgraph_channel("fps")
Enable "statgraph_channel" codes. - statgraph()
Hide taskbar. - taskbar_hide
Quit game. - abortgame
Restart game. - restart
Set game speed (default is 8). - setsimrate
Show taskbar. - taskbar_show
Spawn M10 Tank Destroyer in Mouse Point - Cheat_M10 (number of unit)
Toggles Fog of War on/off - FOW_Toggle

Easy "Theater of War Battle General" achievement:
Play a "Theater of War" battle and when there is only 1 point remaining near the
end, save the game. Repeatedly load that saved game until you earn the achievement.

Vue : 2147 fois
Mise à jour : 2022.01.10

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